Portland Cremation Center & Mortuary Services


Portland Cremation Center and Mortuary Services
About PCC - Portland Cremation Center and Mortuary Services
Community Involvement
Funeral, Cremation, Scattering, Mortuary Supplies and Services
Mortuary Supplies
Portland Cremation Center Forms - Copyright
Escort Vehicle Services Portland
Funeral Facilities, Portland, Oregon
PCC Due Diligence
Employment Opportunities in the Funeral Profession, Portland Area
Implant and Pacemaker Recycling
Funeral Directors - Link to Us

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Cremation Association of North America Member
Cremation Association
of North America

Oregon Funeral Directors Association Member


Community Involvement & Support

We are an independently family owned crematory, dedicated to our community. We support the following charities and organizations.

Meals on Wheels

My name is Kimberly Loring HeavyRunner and I am a member of the Blackfeet tribe in Montana. I grew up on the Reservation and we are customed to helping out our people. Since moving off the Reservation, I've carried that helping hand over to assisting with being a removal tech and shelter work and have worked for over 5 years with the houseless community and helped feed people throughout my travels. Now working with Portland Cremation center I am able to expand my passion with helping others through hard times as a removal technician and as well as delivering meals for meals on wheels, I am able to deliver to over 18 community members every Wednesday making sure they have 7 meals every week.

TIPS NW Heros with Heart Dinner 2023

Trauma Intervention Program

TIP (Trauma Intervention Program) of Portland/Vancouver


Cascade Life Alliance

Cascade Life Alliance is a federally designated non-profit organ procurement organization. We serve Oregon, southwest Washington and western Idaho, and have offices in both Portland and Boise. Since our founding in 1987, the mission has remained:

To save, enhance, and heal lives through organ donation and transplantation



Mt. Hood Community College

Mortuary Science Program Scholarship
26000 SE Stark St. | Gresham, OR 97030 | 503-491-6422
Website: www.mhcc.edu
Course Description: www.mhcc.edu/FSEHandbook - pdf file, opens quickly on most connections (257kb)



Cremation Association of North America | OFDA Trade Only


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